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Original Article
The Effects of Economic Deterioration Due to COVID-19 to Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption Behaviors of Adolescents in South Korea: A Nationwide Analysis
JaeHyuck Lee, Seung Wan Hong
Korean J Health Promot. 2023;23(1):8-17.   Published online March 31, 2023
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Original Article
University Freshmen's Problem Drinking: Its Individual- and Family-Level Factors
Jihyun Moon, Songwhi Noh, Yeji Youn, Yuri Kim, Eun Kang, Jina Choo
Korean J Health Promot. 2021;21(3):92-100.   Published online September 30, 2021
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Relationship between Obesity and Lifestyle Factors in Young Korean Women: the Seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016
Jeon Won Kwak, Chan Hee Jeon, Min Ho Kwak, Jeong Hyeon Kim, Yong Soon Park
Korean J Health Promot. 2019;19(1):9-15.   Published online March 31, 2019
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Diagnostic Usefulness of Korean Standard on Heavy Drinking for the DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorder
Seong Gu Kim, Jong Sung Kim, Han Ju Pack, Han Na Sung
Korean J Health Promot. 2017;17(2):91-98.   Published online June 30, 2017
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Association between Alcohol Drinking and the Ratio of Aspartate Aminotransferase to Alanine Aminotransferase in Korean Adult Male
Young Hee Cho, Jong Sung Kim, Sung Soo Kim, Jin Kyu Jung, Seok Joon Yoon, Hyeun Young Kim, Yoon Kyung Bae
Korean J Health Promot. 2017;17(2):64-70.   Published online June 30, 2017
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Original Article
Relationship among Alcohol Consumption, Facial Flushing Response and Dyslipidemia in Male
Kyu Pill Kim, Jong Sung Kim, Sung Soo Kim, Jin Kyu Jung, Seok Joon Yoon, Chang Jung Wei
Korean J Health Promot. 2016;16(3):153-161.   Published online January 20, 2016
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Original Article
Associations between Smoking, Drinking and Depression among Korean Adults: The 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Sun Mi Park, Mi Ah Han, Jong Park, So Yeon Ryu, Seong Woo Choi, Hwan Ho Shin, Mi Hyun Joo
Korean J Health Promot. 2016;16(2):111-118.   Published online January 20, 2016
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Original Article
The Relationship between Uric Acid and Homocysteine Levels based on Alcohol-related Facial Flushing
Eo Chin Kim, Jong Sung Kim, Won Chul Uh, Soo Young Choi, Sun Kyung Lee, Bog Seon Jeong
Korean J Health Promot. 2015;15(3):91-97.   Published online December 19, 2015
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Original Article
Marital Status and Health Behaviors in Middle-Aged Korean Adults: from the 2007-2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Hyun Ji Ji Yim, Hyun Ah Ah Park, Jae Heon Heon Kang, Kyung Woo Woo Kim, Young Gyu Gyu Cho, Yang Im Im Hur, Eun Ju Ju Sung
Korean J Health Promot. 2012;12(4):178-186.

Korean Journal of
Health Promotion

Print ISSN: 2234-2141
Online ISSN: 2093-5676

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