Korean J Health Promot Dis Prev > Volume 9(2); 2009 > Article
Korean J Health Promot Dis Prev 2009;9(2):129-134.
프로축구선수의 운동손상과 체력 및 인체계측 변인간의 관련성
김재우1, 김연수1, 이경태2
서울대학교 체육교육과1, 을지의과대학 을지병원 정형외과교실2
Relationships Between Injury, Physical Fitness, and Anthropometric Parameters in Professional Soccer Players
Although the risk of injury in soccer is high, a review of the literature concerning risk factors for injuries in professional athletes shows incomplete and contradictory result. The purpose of this study was to analyse injury patterns and risk factors related with injuries in professional soccer players. Methods Club medical staff diagnosed and recorded injuries of Korean professional soccer players (n=36) for one year. Before the 2006 season started, the following were measured and examined as risk factors: height, weight, body composition, VO2max, isokinetic muscle strength (knee and ankle), hamstring/quadriceps (H/Q) ratio, dorsiflexion/plantar flexion (D/P) ratio, thigh and calf circumferences, and previous injuries. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the relations between injuries and the risk factors. Results The incidence of injuries was 2.3 per 1,000 exposure hours (29.6 per 1,000 game hours, 0.7 per 1,000 training hours). Frequent sites of injury was the lower extremities (88.2%) and ankles (27.9%). The most common injury type was contusions (41.2%). Additionally, players injured previously were at greater risk of any injury compared with non-injured players (OR 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 4.3), and players with abnormal H/Q ratio were at greater risk of injury when compared with those who has normal H/Q ratio (OR 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.4 to 3.6). Conclusions Previous injury and H/Q ratio were identified as the main risk factors for injury among Korean professional soccer players. (Korean J Health Promot Dis Prev 2009 ; 9(2):129-134) Keywords: professional football players, previous injury, H/Q ratio, VO2max, isokinetic strength

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