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The Relationship between Smoking and Suicidal Behavior in Korean Adolescents: 12th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey

Korean J Health Promot > Volume 17(4); 2017 > Article
Kim, Kim, Paik, Hong, Lee, Park, and Kim: The Relationship between Smoking and Suicidal Behavior in Korean Adolescents: 12th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey



Suicide is the first leading cause of death among teenagers in Korea, and smoking is reported to be one of the risk factors for suicide. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between smoking and smoking amount and suicidal behavior using data from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS).


Using the 12th KYRBS 2016, we surveyed smoking, smoking amount, suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicidal attempt of adolescents. And a total of 65,528 respondents were divided into current smoker, former smokers, and non-smoker, and 4,012 smokers were classified into ≤9 cigarettes/day group, 10–19 cigarettes/day group, and ≥20 cigarettes/day group according to the amount of smokers. We analyzed the relationship between smoking and smoking amount and suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicidal attempt using multivariate logistic regression analysis.


As a result of adjusting for all confounding variables, the current smoker has an odds ratio of 1.143 (confidence interval 1.020–1.281) with suicidal ideation compared to non-smoker and the odds ratio of suicidal planning and suicidal attempt is also statistically significant, respectively. And the odds ratio of all suicidal behaviors was significantly higher in ≥20 cigarettes/day group than in ≤9 cigarettes/day group, respectively.


We found that smoking and smoking amount was related to suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicidal attempts in adolescents. Therefore, suicidal prevention strategies considering this relationship should be established.


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Figure 1


Table 1

Characteristics of study population


Values are presented as number (%) using frequency analysis in complex sample design.

aP values are obtained by F-test.

bPhysical activity for a week is defined as a day in which a total of 60 minutes or more of a day ‘physical activity of the heartbeat is increased or breathed’ during the past 7 days.

Table 2

Differences in suicidal ideation according to general characteristics


Values are presented as number (%) using cross tabulation analysis in complex sampling design.

aCalculated by Rao-Scott chi-square test.

Table 3

Differences in suicidal planning according to general characteristics


Values are presented as number (%) using cross tabulation analysis in complex sampling design.

aCalculated by Rao-Scott chi-square test.

Table 4

Differences in suicidal attempt according to general characteristics


Values are presented as number (%) using cross tabulation analysis in complex sampling design.

aCalculated by Rao-Scott chi-square test.

Table 5

Odds ratio for suicidal ideation according to smoking and daily smoking amount by logistic regression


Values are presented as adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval). Calculated by multivariate logistic regression analysis using complex sampling design.

aLogistic regression for suicidal ideation with smoking and smoking amount without adjustment.

bLogistic regression for suicidal ideation with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, and economic status.

cLogistic regression for suicidal ideation with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, and drug experience.

dLogistic regression for suicidal ideation with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, drug experience, perceived stress, academic performance, perceived happiness, and sadness during the past 12 months.

eP values are obtained by F-test.

Table 6

Odds ratio for suicidal planning according to smoking and daily smoking amount by logistic regression


Values are presented as adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval). Calculated by multivariate logistic regression analysis using complex sampling design.

aLogistic regression for suicidal planning with smoking and smoking amount without adjustment.

bLogistic regression for suicidal planning with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, and economic status.

cLogistic regression for suicidal planning with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, and drug experience.

dLogistic regression for suicidal planning with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, drug experience, perceived stress, academic performance, perceived happiness, and sadness during the past 12 months.

eP values are obtained by F-test.

Table 7

Odds ratio for suicidal attempt according to smoking and daily smoking amount by logistic regression


Values are presented as adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval). Calculated by multivariate logistic regression analysis using complex sampling design.

aLogistic regression for suicidal attempt with smoking and smoking amount without adjustment.

bLogistic regression for suicidal attempt with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, and economic status.

cLogistic regression for suicidal attempt with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, and drug experience.

dLogistic regression for suicidal attempt with smoking and smoking amount after adjustment for school, residence type, economic status, perceived health, physical activity for a week, alcohol drinking, drug experience, perceived stress, academic performance, perceived happiness, and sadness during the past 12 months.

eP values are obtained by F-test.

Table 8

Post-hoc verification of smoking and smoking amount affecting suicidal ideation


Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

P-value <0.05.

Table 9

Post-hoc verification of smoking and smoking amount affecting suicidal planning


Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

P-value <0.05.

Table 10

Post-hoc verification of smoking and smoking amount affecting suicidal attempt


Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

P-value <0.05.

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