Korean J Health Promot > Volume 15(1); 2015 > Article
Han, Han, Ryu, and Choi: The Effects of Lumbar Stabilization Exercise on Pain and Range of Motion in the Shoulder



Lumbar stabilization exercise was used to improve spinal mobilization and stabilization. This research was conducted to investigate the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise programs on shoulder pain and range of motion among a group of elderly individuals.


The study subjects were 28 elderly patients from C hospital, Gochang, Jeollabukdo. They were randomly divided into 3 groups: lumbar stability exercise group, passive upper arm exercise group, and conservative therapy group. The therapies were conducted for 4 weeks. Shoulder pain and range of motion were measured both before and after therapies. The homogeneity of study subjects was analyzed using the chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. For the pre-/post-status comparison, the Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks tests and Kruskal-Wallis tests were conducted.


General characteristics including age, sex, and disease history of the 3 groups were comparable. After 4 weeks of exercise, shoulder pain was significantly reduced in the lumbar stability exercise group (6.4±2.9 vs. 3.6±3.1, P=.026) and range of motion was significantly increased in the same group. More specifically, right flexion (121.1±12.0° vs. 137.9±11.9°, P=.008), right abduction (96.6±21.8° vs. 129.7±50.7°, P=.008), and left abduction (92.0±21.8° vs. 110.3±21.2°, P=.038) increased significantly.


Shoulder pain and range of motion improved significantly in the lumbar stability exercise group. Further study is needed to look into the longer effects of this exercise program using more subjects.

Table 1.
General characteristics of study subjects
Lumbar stability exercise (N=9) Passive upper arm exercise (N=10) Conservative therapy (N=9) P
Male 2 (22.2) 1 (10.0) 1 (11.1) 0.709a
Female 7 (77.8) 9 (90.0) 8 (88.9)
Age, y 78.2±8.0 79.1±4.6 83.0±6.2 0.275b
Height, cm 154.8±7.5 151.4±9.1 150.9±11.8 0.351b
Weight, kg 50.2±8.9 48.1±7.9 47.1±12.5 0.314b
Disease history Hypertension 7 (77.8) 6 (60.0) 6 (66.7) 0.706a
Arthritis 3 (33.3) 4 (40.0) 3 (33.3) 0.961a
Dementia 4 (44.0) 5 (50.0) 4 (44.4) 0.940a

Data are expressed as number (%) or mean±standard deviation.

aP-values are from Chi-square test.

bP-values are from Kruskal-Wallis test.

Table 2.
The effect of lumber stabilization exercise on pain in shoulder
Group Before exercise After exercise Difference (after-before) Pa
Pain at rest
Lumbar stability exercise 6.4±2.9 3.6±3.1 -2.9±3.3 0.026
Passive upper arm exercise 5.8±2.7 3.4±2.3 -2.4±3.5 0.063
Conservative therapy 5.6±3.8 5.6±1.7 0.0±4.1 1.000
Pb 0.824 0.130 0.246
Pain with motion Lumbar stability exercise 7.1±2.3 6.9±3.0 -.22±3.52 0.861
Passive upper arm exercise 7.0±2.5 6.2±2.4 -.80±2.14 0.279
Conservative therapy 4.9±3.0 6.6±2.4 2.00±4.00 0.179
Pb 0.169 0.658 0.110

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation of pain score.

aP-values are from Wilcoxon signed rank test.

bP-values are from Kruskal-Wallis test.

Table 3.
The effects of lumber stabilization exercise on shoulder range of motion (°)
Group Before exercise After exercise Difference (after-before) Pa
Right flexion
Lumbar stability exercise 121.1±12.0 137.9±11.9 16.9±12.4 0.008
Passive upper arm exercise 114.6±20.1 121.5±15.3 6.9±19.3 0.285
Conservative therapy Pb 116.5±23.9 0.719 117.0±26.3 0.070 0.6±9.0c 0.043 0.906
Left flexion
Lumbar stability exercise 123.3±12.3 132.8±15.0 9.51±17.32 0.123
Passive upper arm exercise 116.0±22.5 117.1±24.9 1.18±18.67 0.678
Conservative therapy Pb 100.16±25.4 0.073 105.9±26.4 0.101 5.72±14.99 0.628 0.153
Right abduction
Lumbar stability exercise 96.6±21.8 129.7±50.7 33.0±40.4 0.008
Passive upper arm exercise 77.5±18.5 95.1±19.1 17.7±18.8 0.028
Conservative therapy 87.2±33.7 89.8±17.6c 2.6±25.9 0.767
Pb 0.213 0.020 0.158
Left abduction Lumbar stability exercise 92.0±21.8 110.3±21.2 18.3±20.0 0.038
Passive upper arm exercise 77.6±25.4 86.3±20.4 8.7±16.4 0.103
Conservative therapy 77.9±34.4 80.5±17.4c 2.6±23.7 0.678
Pb 0.347 0.009 0.374

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

aP-values are from Wilcoxon signed rank test.

bP-values are from Kruskal-Wallis test.

cStatistically significant difference with lumbar stability exercise by Mann-Whitney U test.


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