The Impact of a Spouse's Depression on Family Functioning and Communication
Seung-Hyun Yoo (Yoo Yoo SH), Hyuk-Ju Kwon (Kwon Kwon HJ), Sun-Hee Kim (Kim Kim SH), Jung-Ah Lee (Lee Lee JA), Sung Sunwoo (Sunwoo Sunwoo S), Young-Sik Kim (Kim Kim YS), Byung-Su Kim (Kim Kim BS), Han-Jin Oh (Oh Oh HJ), Chul-Min Kim (Kim Kim CM), Hee-Jeong Choi (Choi Choi HJ), Hee-Jin Hwang (Hwang Hwang HJ), Sun-Wha Ok (Ok Ok SW)
Korean J Health Promot. 2016;16(1):11-19.   Published online 2016 Jan 20     DOI:
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