Association between Secondhand Smoke and Health-related Quality of Life in Middle-aged Korean Adults
Sang-Yun Kang (Kang Kang SY), Young Hye Cho (Cho Cho YH), Dong-Wook Jeong (Jeong Jeong DW), Sang-Yeoup Lee (Lee Lee SY), Yun Jin Kim (Kim Kim YJ), Jeong Gyu Lee (Lee Lee JG), Hyun-Ju Lim (Lim Lim HJ)
Korean J Health Promot. 2015;15(4):185-193.   Published online 2015 Dec 19     DOI:
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Urine Cotinine for Assessing the Association between Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Depression in Adult Non-Smokers in Korea: Analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016
Yul Hee Kim, Byung Sung Kim, Chang Won Won, Sunyoung Kim, Hye Jin Jang
Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2019; 19(3): 138.     CrossRef